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Stainless Steel Flower Tea Stick Infuser Loose Leaf Tea Tube Filter Cylindrical Mesh Tea Filter




  • Practical Tea Strainers

    • 1. Simple and Functional Design

      These tea strainers come in a sleek stainless steel finish. They feature a perforated bowl in either a spherical or conical shape, attached to a long handle with a hook at the end for easy placement.

    • 2. Functional Utility

      Ideal for straining loose leaf tea. The numerous holes in the bowl allow water to flow through while effectively filtering out tea leaves.

    • 3. Quality Build

      Made from high quality stainless steel, these strainers are rust resistant, durable, and easy to clean, ensuring long lasting use.

    • 4. Convenient Use

      The long handle and hook design make it easy to place the strainer over a cup or teapot and retrieve it after use. The simple design is suitable for various tea making setups.

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